Welcome to So We Speak,
In 1 Thessalonians 2:4, Paul writes, "but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God, who tests our hearts." Our passion is that Christians today would have that same conviction; to speak in such a way that honors God and encourages others. In today's world, and in our culture especially, it is very difficult to be informed without being conformed. We want to change that. We want to give a voice to Christian conviction. At So We Speak, we seek to publish content that allows you to speak life into your community, to engage with what's going on around you, and to be informed without being conformed.
To get to know the site, take a look at our first things post!
Feel free to send any questions, requests, comments, or content to info@sowespeak.com!
-The So We Speak Team
Cole Feix
Cole Feix is the president of So We Speak Media, a media company designed to keep Christians informed about the world without being conformed to it. He writes a weekly newsletter called the Weekly Speak and hosts the So We Speak podcast. He is also the Senior Pastor of Carlton Landing Community Church in Carlton Landing, OK.
Cole grew up in Oklahoma City and served as the Pastor of Adult Education and College Ministry at Crossings Community Church until 2018. He graduated from Oklahoma State University, completed a Master’s of Divinity at Oklahoma Christian University, and a Ph.D. in Philosophical Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
He's passionate about craft coffee, closely followed by anything related to Winston Churchill.

Kali Gibson
Kali Gibson is a junior at the University of Oklahoma. She is currently pursuing a major in Professional Writing with a minor in Music.
Kali has written for the OU Daily and the Odyssey. In the future, Kali hopes to pursue a Master’s degree in English Education. She had a passion for high school and college students.
Kali also loves books, music, and coffee. In her free time, she makes a lot of Spotify playlists.

Ben Williams
Ben is the Senior Minister at Central Church of Christ in Ada, Oklahoma.
After graduating with a degree in Astrophysics from the University of Oklahoma, Ben went on to get a Masters of Divinity from Oklahoma Christian University, and he is currently pursuing a Ph.D in Philosophy and Apologetics the Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of Why We Stayed: Honesty and Hope in the Churches of Christ (2018).
Ben is married to his heart's love, Selene, and they have two sons, Lucas and Calvin. He recently edited and published Why We Stayed: Honesty and Hope in the Churches of Christ.

Terry Feix
Terry is the Executive Pastor at Crossings Community Church in Oklahoma City, OK.
He attended Oklahoma Christian University and received a Mathematics degree with a minor in Greek and Hebrew, and also attended the University of Oklahoma obtaining a Masters in Mathematics. He spent 30 years working in information systems and as an executive at AT&T before he joined the staff at Crossings.
Terry is a fan of history, philosophy, international politics, the intersection of culture and faith and anything Churchill! He is married to Laura and they have three sons - Cole (married to Laura), Carson (who is married to Rachel), and Tucker (who is married to Holly) - and three grandchildren; Marigold, Jack, and Claire.

Brittany Proffitt
Managing Editor
Brittany is a writer and editor at So We Speak. She lives in Dallas, TX, holds a BA in Religion, and is a student at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She is passionate about Scripture and how God’s Word impacts individuals’ hearts and lives.