I’m headed off to the mountains for a week.
It was two years ago on this trip I felt God leading me to start So We Speak. I’ve grown to love taking time away to ask God what he’s doing now and try to understand what he’s doing next. In the Bible, the mountains are often a place of waiting - and a place of strength. Jesus often went up to the mountains to pray, to wait on the Lord, to reconnect with God. So did David, Moses, and Elijah. There’s something powerful, wherever you are, about taking extra time to wait expectantly. Of course, we want to be people who constantly pray, who are in the Word every day. But in addition to that, we want to be people who set aside time to listen, to ask for the big things, to step back and look at the big picture.
It was during one of those times I started feeling like God had a plan for some ideas I’d had with a few others about changing the way we view what’s going on around us. It’s gotten harder to know what’s happening, and nearly impossible to sort through different worldviews warring in the public square.
It’s amazing how plans develop. What started with a few posts for Sunday School teachers called “Teachers’ Digest” grew into a website with a team of writers, a podcast, video series, and so much more in the works. Now we’ve published 138 blogs, 88 podcasts, connected with thousands of people on social media, and heard from hundreds of you about what a difference So We Speak has made in your lives.
Thanks to everyone who has supported us, prayed for us, and enjoyed the content. Thanks to everyone who will in the future!
As we head into the summer, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that we’ve never had a year like this - and there’s so much more to come! Would you pray that we would see what God is doing? What is he showing us? How is he shaping us? Here are three things I’m praying for over the next week:
Renew our minds, Lord! We’re so easily tossed around by the 24-hour media cycle, by social media, by mediated representations of people and relationships, and by the appearances we keep up. Remind us that real people are the most important thing. Show us your will. Help us to see the world the way you see it.
Would you show us how to reach people who desperately need you in the world after the coronavirus? So many people are grieving; even more are angry and frustrated. Chruch is going to look different, but your promises and your call are the same. Help us to teach the nations to know and obey you, and to share the hope that we have with our neighbors.
Revive a love for your Word in our culture. Bring it back into the center of our institutions and cultural fixtures. Help us to see your wisdom outside of sermons, quiet times, and small groups. Remind us that your wisdom has shaped the greatest achievements of the world. Let your Word be honored. Let it not return void. Let the nations walk in the light of your truth.
Thanks to everyone who’s praying, reading, sharing and supporting. Our passion at So We Speak is to think Christianly about the world; to keep you informed without being conformed. I’m excited to walk in the plans God has for year three!
Enjoy the best reads this week and next. I’ll be back with the Weekly Speak June 8.